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게시판 상세페이지
2017년 11월호 Archives of Plastic Surgery 논문게재


장용주 교수는 2017년 11월 Archives of Plastic Surgery에 “Simple Correction of Alar Retraction by Conchal Cartilage Extension Grafts. (귀연골 확장이식물을 이용한 비익위축의 간단한 해결)” 이라는 논문을 게재하였다.


Arch Plast Surg. 2016 Nov;43(6):564-569

Jang YJ, Kim SM, Lew DH, Song SY.



Alar retractionis a challenging condition in rhinoplasty marked by exaggerated nostril exposure and awkwardness. Although various methods for correcting  alar retractionhave been introduced, none is without drawbacks. Herein, we report a  simpleprocedure that is both effective and safe for correcting  alar retractionusing only  conchal cartilagegrafting.


Between August 2007 and August 2009, 18 patients underwent conchal cartilage extensiongrafting to correct  alar retraction .  Conchal cartilage extension graftswere fixed to the caudal margins of the lateral crura and covered with vestibular skin advancement flaps. Preoperative and postoperative photographs were reviewed and analyzed. Patient satisfaction was surveyed and categorized into 4 groups (very satisfied, satisfied, moderate, or unsatisfied).


According to the survey, 8 patients were very satisfied, 9 were satisfied, and 1 considered the outcome moderate, resulting in satisfaction for most patients. The average distance from the alarrim to the long axis of the nostril was reduced by 1.4 mm (3.6 to 2.2 mm). There were no complications, except in 2 cases with palpable  cartilagestep-off that resolved without any aesthetic problems.


Conchal cartilage alar extensiongraft is a  simple , effective method of correcting  alar retractionthat can be combined with aesthetic rhinoplasty conveniently, utilizing  conchal cartilage , which is the most similar  cartilageto  alar cartilage , and requiring a lesser volume of  cartilageharvest compared to previously devised methods. However, the current procedure lacks efficacy for severe  alar retractionand a longer follow-up period may be required to substantiate the enduring efficacy of the current procedure.


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