장용주 교수
- 1996.03 ~ 1999.02 서울대학교 의학 박사
- 1993.03 ~ 1995.02 서울대학교 의학 석사
- 1981.03 ~ 1987.02 서울대학교 의학 학사
- 2013. ~ 현재 Pan-Asian 안면성형재건학회 부회장
- 2013.01 ~ 2014.12 대한안면성형재건학회 회장
- 2009.10 ~ 현재 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 교수
- 2002.03 ~ 2009.09 울산의대 서울아산병원 이비인후과 부교수
- 2002.01 ~ 2002.12 캘리포니아 바이러스 연구소 초빙연구원
- 2001.04 ~ 2002.03 UC Davis 교환교수 (생리학, 안면성형학)
- 1996.03 ~ 2002.02 단국대학교 의과대학 교수
- 1995.03 ~ 1996.02 서울대학교병원 이비인후과 전임의
- 1991.03 ~ 1995.02 서울대학교병원 이비인후과 레지던트
- 1987.03 ~ 1988.02 서울대학교병원 인턴
- 2015.09.24. Joseph Medal. European Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- 2011.05.01. Best Academic Achievement Award. Korean otolaryngologic Society
- 2010.03.23. Excellent research paper of the year award, Korean Rhinologic Soceity
- 2010.04.23. Best publication activity award, presented by Korean Otolaryngologic Society
- 2006.11. Award for scientific excellence, Korean Rhinologic Society
- 2004.09. International research award, 50th American Rhinologic Society
- 2001.11 Award for outstanding academic achievement. Dankook University
- 2000. Best free paper award in 5th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology
- 1996, Award for best research paper, Korean Otolaryngologic Society
- JAMA facial plastic Surgery
- Facial Plastic Surgery
- Auris Nasus Larynx
- Jang YJ, Yu MS. Rhinoplasty for the east Asian Nose. In Sclafani AP. Rhinoplasty. The Experts’ reference. New York: Thieme 2014.pp557-563
- Jang YJ, Kim JH. Augmentation rhinoplasty. In Hathiram BT, Khattar VS,Eds. Atlas of operative otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. New Dehli. Jaypee brothers mecical publishers.2013.pp 916-940
- Jang YJ. Asain rhinoplasty. In:Melvin A Shiffman, Alberto Di Giuseppe. Eds. Advanced Aesthetic Rhinoplasty. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag;2013. Pp 163-174
- Jang YJ. Asian Rhinoplasty. In:Ira Papel Editor. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 3rd Ed.New York:Thieme;2008.p619-638.
코성형 및 비중격성형 관련 논문
- Hong HR, Kim SH, Kim JH, Jang YJ. Aesthetic Motivation of Geriatric Rhinoplasty and Surgical Outcome. J Craniofac Surg 2015 Sep; 26(6), 1936-9
- Jang YJ, Hong HR. Augmentation Shield Grafts. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Jul-Aug;17(4):301-2
- Kim JH, Jang YJ. Use of Diced Conchal Cartilage with Perichondrial Attachment in Rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Jun;135(6):1545-53.
- Yi JS1, Jang YJ2. Frequency and Characteristics of Facial Asymmetry in Patients With Deviated Noses. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Jul 1;17(4):265-9. doi: 10.1001/jamafacial.2015.0388.
- Lan MY, Jang YJ. Revision Rhinoplasty for Short Noses in the Asian Population. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2015 Jun 25.
- Yi JS, Jang YJ. Effect of Septoplasty With a Caudal Septal Batten Graft on Changes in Nasal Shape. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2015 Apr;124(4):288-93.
- Lee SB, Jang YJ. Treatment outcomes of extracorporeal septoplasty compared with in situ septal correction in rhinoplasty JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2014 Sep 1;16(5):328-34.
- Jang YJ, Alfanta EM. Rhinoplasty in the Asian nose.Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2014 Aug;22(3):357-77.
- Jang YJ, Yi JS. Perspectives in asian rhinoplasty.Facial Plast Surg. 2014 Apr;30(2):123-30.
- Bae JS, Kim ES, Jang YJ.Treatment outcomes of pediatric rhinoplasty: The Asan Medical Center experience. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Aug 9. pii: S0165-5876(13)00364-9. doi: 10.1016.
- Jung JH, Baguindali MA, Park JT, Jang YJ. Costal cartilage is a superior implant material than conchal cartilage in the treatment of empty nose syndrome. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Sep;149(3):500-5.
- Hyun SM, Jang YJ. Treatment Outcomes of Saddle Nose Correction. JAMA Facial Plast Surg. 2013Jul 1;15(4):280-6.
- Cho GS, Jang YJ. Deviated nose correction: Different outcomes according to the deviation type. Laryngoscope. 2013 May;123(5):1136-42.
- Lee DH, Jang YJ. Pediatric nasal bone fractures: Does delayed treatment really lead to adverse outcomes? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 May;77(5):726-31.
- Moon BJ, Lee HJ, Jang YJ. Outcomes following rhinoplasty using autologous costal cartilage. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2012 May-Jun;14(3):175-80.
- Jang YJ, Moon BJ. State of the art in augmentation rhinoplasty: implant or graft? Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012 Jun 12.
- Cho GS, Kim JH, Jang YJ. Correlation of nasal obstruction with nasal cross-sectional area measured by computed tomography in patients with nasal septal deviation.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012 Apr;121(4):239-45.
- Yu MS, Park HS, Lee HJ, Jang YJ. Histomorphological Changes of Tutoplast-Processed Fascia Lata Grafts in a Rabbit Rhinoplasty Model.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012Aug;147(2):239-44 Apr 6.
- Min JY, Jang YJ. Use of 2-octylcyanoacrylate (Dermabond) tissue adhesive for tip graft fixation in open rhinoplasty. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Nov;145(5):737-41.
- Kim JH, Kim DY, Jang YJ. Outcomes after endonasal septoplasty using caudal septal batten grafting. Am J Rhinol Allergy 2011, 25:166-170
- Jang YJ, Kim JH, Song HY. Empty nose syndrome: Radiologic Findings and Treatment Outcomes of Endonasal Microplasty Using Cartilage Implants. Laryngoscope. 2011 Jun;121(6):1308-12.
- Jang YJ, Min JY, Lau BC. A Multilayer Cartilaginous Tip-Grafting Technique for Improved Nasal Tip Refinement in Asian Rhinoplasty.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011.Aug;145(2):217-22
- Jang YJ, Kim JH. Use of tutoplast-processed fascia lata as an onlay graft material for tip surgery in rhinoplasty.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Apr;144(4):528-32.
- Cho GS, Kim JH, Yeo NK, Kim SH, Jang YJ. Nasal skin thickness measured using computed tomography and its effect on tip surgery outcomes.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Apr;144(4):522-7.
- Jang YJ, Kim JH Classification of convex nasal dorsum deformities in Asian patients and treatment outcomes. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2011, Mar;64(3):301-6.
- Kim JS, Khan NA, Song HM, Jang YJ. Intraoperative Measurements of Harvestable Septal Cartilage in Rhinoplasty. Ann Plast Surg. 2010 Dec;65(6):519-23.
- Jang YJ, Kwon M. Modified extracorporeal septoplasty technique in rhinoplasty for severely deviated noses. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2010 May;119(5):331-5.
- Jang YJ, Yu MS. Rhinoplasty for the asian nose.Facial Plast Surg. 2010 May ; 26 (2) : 93 - 101.
- Kim JH, Wang JH, Jang YJ. Excision of a Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cyst via Open Rhinoplasty Approach and Primary Reconstruction Using Tutoplast-Processed Fascia Lata.Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Mar;3(1):48-51.
- Yu MS, Jang YJ. Modified vertical dome division technique for rhinoplasty in Asian patients.Laryngoscope.2010Apr;120(4):668-72.
- Kwon MS, Kim HC, Jang YJ. Removal of a nasal bone intraosseous venous malformation and primary reconstruction of the surgical defect using open rhinoplasty. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Apr;39(4):394-6.
- Jang YJ, Yeo NK, Wang JH. Cutting and suture technique of the caudal septal cartilage for the management of caudal septal deviation. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2009;135(12):1256-1260.
- Yeo NK, Jang YJ. Rhinoplasty to correct nasal deformities in postseptoplasty patients. Am J Rhinol Allergy 2009, Sep/Oct; 23(6):540-545.
- Jang YJ, Song HM, Yoon YJ, Sykes JM. Combined use of crushed cartilage and processed fascia lata for dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty for Asians. Laryngoscope 2009, Jun;119(6):1088-92.
- Sykes JM, Jang YJ. Cleft lip rhinoplasty. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2009 Feb;17(1):133-44, vii.
- Wang JH, Jang YJ, Park SK, Lee BJ. Measurement of aesthetic proportions in the profile view of Koreans. Ann Plast Surg. 2009 Feb;62(2):109-13.
- Ryu CH, Jang YJ, Kim JS, Song HM.Removal of metallic foreign body embedded in external nose via open rhinoplasty approach.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Dec;37(12):1148-52.
- Song HM, Kim JS, Lee BJ, Jang YJ. Deviated Nose Cartilaginous Dorsum Correction Using a Dorsal L-Strut Cutting and Suture Technique. Laryngoscope. 2008. Jun;118(6):981-986.
- Song HM, Lee BJ, Jang YJ. Processed costal cartilage homograft in rhinoplasty: the Asan Medical Center experience. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 May;134(5):485-9.
- Jang YJ, Wang JH, Lee BJ. Classification of the deviated nose and its treatment. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Mar;134(3):311-5.
- Jang YJ, Sinha V. Spreader graft in septo-rhinoplasty. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007;59:100-102.
- Wang JH, Lee BJ, Jang YJ. Use of silicone sheets for dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty for Asian noses. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl 2007 Oct;(558):115-20.
- Jang YJ, Wang JH, Sinha V, Lee BJ. Percuteneous root osteotomy for correction of deviated nose. Am J Rhinol 2007; 21(4):515-9.
- Jang YJ, Wang JH, Sinha V, Song HM, Lee BJ. Tutoplast processed fascia lata for dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007. 137(1):88-92.
- BJ Lee, YS Chung, YJ Jang. Overcorrected septum as a complication of septoplasty. Am J Rhinol 2004.18:393-396.
- Jang YJ, Lee JH, Jang J. Acoustic rhinometric evaluation of the nasal response to exercise in patients with nasal septal deviation. Clin Otolaryngol. 2000 Oct;25(5):423-427.
- The 5TH annual conference of PAAFPRS, 7-9 Nov, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand. Lectures 1)Conchal cartilage in rhinoplasty 2)Tip surgery:my approach for the Asian Nose 3) Modified exptracorporeal septoplasty 4)Surgical pitfalls in the use of costal cartilage for rhinoplasty
- Invitation lecture at KLE Univ in Belagaum, India, 2 Nov, 2015, Asian rhinoplasty:correction of deformed noses
- International rhinoplasty workshop 2015. 30 Oct-1 Nov, 2015, Goa, India, Live surgery and Lectures 1) Use of costal cartilage in Rhinoplasty, 2)Dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty, 3)Tip surgery for Asian nose
- Annual conference and masters’ symposium. 8-10, Oct,2015, Sydney, Australia, Invited lectures 1)Modified exptracorporeal septoplasty:ho I do it and what it deos, 2)Tip surgery for Asian nose 3)Personal tips for correction of short nose, 4)Dorsal augmentation materials, 5)Personal tips for successful correction of deviated nose
- 2015 AAFPRS fall meeting, 1-3 Oct,2015, Dallas, USA. Invited lectures 1)Cutting edge technique in rhinoplasty 2)Personal tips for succeeful correction of severely deviated nose, short nose, saddle nose
- EAFPS 2015 annual conference, 24-26 Sep, 2015, Cannes, France. Invited lectures 1)Joys and sorrow of rhinoplasty using costal cartilage, 2)Asian rhinoplasty, 3) Nasal dorsum augmentation
- Advances in rhinoplasty. May 14-17, 2015, Chicago, USA. Invited lectures. 1)Shield grafts and tip onlay grafts:building your second floor addition 2)The low dorsum:my odyssey in searching for the ideal material 3)Asian rhinoplasty, 4)Rhinoplasty patient’s experience-a global perspective
- Rhinoplasty 2015, Advances in rhinoplasty. August 6-8, 2015, Uberlandia, Brazil. Invited lectures and live surgery. 1)How to beautify bulbous and underprojected nasal tip, 2)Options for correction of the short nose, 3)Dorsum augmentation 4)Extracorporeal septoplasty: a powerful maneuver for correction of deformed nose 5)Treatment strategy for difficult revision
- 17th Asain Research Symposium in Rhinology, April 9-11, 2015, Beijing, China, Lectues 1)How to beautify Asian nose, 2) Surgical treatment of empty nose syndrome
- 13th Asia-Oceania ORL-HNS Congress, Mar 19-22, Taipei, Taiwan, Lectures 1)Revision rhinoplasty for deviated nose, 2) Role of rhinovirus in the pathogenesis of CRS
- First Shiraz International Rhinoplasty Course, 2014, 2/12-2/14. Shiraz, Iran. Invited lecture, 1) Dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty 2) Cartilage grafts in rhinoplasty
- 11th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery. 2014, 5/27-5/31, New York, USA. Invited lecture: 1)Changing world and changing faces-pannel discussion, 2)Problem based videos- asymmetric nose, crooked nose 3) How to beautify severely underprojected and bulbous tip, 4)Cases that helped define my technique 5)Decision making in the management of difficult nose
- 13TH Annual international rhinoplasty course. 2014, 6/7-6/8, Manila, Philippines. Invited lecture- 1) Extracorporeal septoplasty: a powerful maneuver for correction of deformed noses, 2)What I have learned form my bitter experience in rhinoplasty, Live surgery
- AAFPRS 2014 Fall meeting. 2014, 9/18-9/21, Orlando, USA, Instruction course: Essence in Asian Rhinoplasty
- ISIAN-IRS 2014. 2014, 11/20-11/24. Dubai, UAE, Invited lecture: 1)Extracorporeal septoplasty: a powerful tool in correction of deformed nose, 2)Multilayer tip grafting for refinement of buibous tip, 3)Impaired natural killer cell function in patients with chronic sinusitis, 4)Putative role of rhinovirus infection in the pathogenesis of sinusitis.
- 16 th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology, 2013, 8-29-31, Tokyo, Japan: Invited Lecture-Extracorporeal septoplasty:a ppwerful maneuver to correct deformed nose
- Al Nahda Rhiology course 2013. 2,5-6. Muscat, Oman. Invited lectures and live surgery: Managing a crooked nose deformity, How to manage amorphous and bulbous tip, Revision rhinoplasty, Grafts in rhinoplasty-current perspective. Live surgery for two cases
- 3rd PAAFPRS annual international conference. 2013.Feb 22-24, Mumbai, Lecture-Revision rhinoplasty, Extracorporeal septoplasty: a powerful maneuverer to correct deviation and saddle
- Advances in rhinoplasty, 2013 May 8-11. Chicago, USA. Lectures-Multilayer tip grafting,Dorsal augmentation. Ethnic rhinoplasty
- Worskshop on functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty 2013.July 11-12. Hong Kong, Yan Chai hospital. Lectures and live surgery. Lecture titles-Practical anatomy for rhinoplasty surgeon and 13others.
- 6th TAFPRS annual congress, 2013, Dec 7-8, Taipei, Taiwan, Invited lectures 1)Extracorporeal septoplasty, 2) Correction of saddle nose
- King Saud Uninersity Rhinoplasty course, 2013 Nov 18-21, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1)Correction of short nose, 2)aesthetic analysis, 3)cartilage graft in rhinoplasty
- 1st International Live Surgery Workshop on Rhinoplasty&Otoplasty. 2012. Sep 1-2. Pune, India. Live surgery demonstration. Lecture “Augmentation rhinoplasty”
- 4th International course on functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose.2012 Oct 14-17. Imola, Italy. “Common techniques in Asian Rhinoplasty” “Rhinoplasty and medico-legal issue”
- 6th Comprehensive rhinoplasty course. 2012 Nov 23-25. Riyadh. Saudi Arabia. “How to refine amorphous and bulbous tip” “Treatment of rhinoplasty complication” “Personal philosophy in management of deviated nose” “What I have learned from long-term follow up”
- Cutting edge Asian Septorhinoplasty. 2012. Nov 20-21. Jakarta, Indonesia Lecture “Functional septorhinoplasty” Material of choice in dorsal augmentation” “Bulbous and amorphous nose in Asian patient” “Caudal extension graft” “Complication in Septorhinoplasty”
- 9th Annual international congress on facial plastic and aesthetic medicine. 2012 Dec 8-9, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam. “How to refine amorphous and bulbous tip” “Treatment of rhinoplasty complication” “What I have learned from long-term follow up”
- 8th Annual meeting of TAFPRS. Oct 5-7. Taichung, Taiwan. “Evolution of my tip surgery technique” “Bitter lesson I have learned from patients” ‘Pediatric rhinoplasty”
- 9th Chinese National Congress of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. 2012 Sep 14-15. “Treatment of rhinoplasty Complications”
- 5th Newcastle AESTHETIC ANF FUNCTIONAL RHINOPLASTY COURSE. 2012 Jun 21-22. Newcastle UK. “Augmentation Septorhinoplasty in Asian Noses”, “How to refine an amorphous and bulbous tip”
- 24TH Congress of ERS, 31st ISIAN. 2012 June 17-21, Toulouse, France. “Correction of deviated nose”, “Nasal tip surgery”, “Role of rhinovirus in the pathogenesis of sinusitis”, “When the caudal septum is major culprit”, “Hard rhinoplasty case”, “Smart use of costal cartilage in rhinoplasty”
- Seoul Rhinoplasty Froum 2012. June 17-17,2012, Seoul, Korea. “My philosophy in septorhinoplasty” “Nasal obstruction:physiology and solution”
- 11th Annual international rhinoplasty, June 1-2,2012, Manila, The Philippines. “Multilayer tip grafting technique for refinement of Asian Nose” Variable options in choice of material for dorsal augmentation” “What surgeons have to know for successful correction of deviated nose” “ How to use costal cartilage for rhinoplasty of difficult nose”
- 15th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology. 24-26 May 2012. Singapore. “Functional rhinoplasty:How I do it” “Dilemma in rhinoplasty”
- IFFPSS 7th International congress. May 9-12, 2012. Rome, Italy. “Multilayer tip grafting for better refinement of thick and bulbous nasal tip” “Hard lesson I have learned from patients” “Use of autologous cartilage grafting is not always the best, not always without problem”
- 3rd AFPSS congress. Apr 29-May1. Boracay, Philippines. “Evolution of my tip surgery” “Personal philosophy for revision rhinoplasty” “Rhinoplasty for saddle nose deformity”
- 14th Japan-Korea Joint meeting of otorhinolaryngology. Apr 12-14, 2012, Kyoto.Japan. “Management of difficult septum”
- 50th Japan Rhinology Society Meeting: 2011 Dec 2-3. Okayama, Japan “Role of rhinovirus in the pathogenesis of sinusitis”
- 2nd PAAFPRS meeting, 2011 Dec 7th-9th. Hong Kong. Invited lacture and live surgery. Lecture titles “ How to refine amorphous an dbuobous Asian tip” “ Outcome of costal cartilage in rhinoplasty”
- 2nd AFPSS congress and 7th TAFPRS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011, 7-9th Oct:Lecture-Extracorporeal septoplasty,Management of convex dorsum in Asian nose
- 14th International rhinologic Society, 30th International symposium on infection and allergy of the nose. Tokyo, Japan, 20-23th, Sep, 2011:Lecture-Correction of deviated nose
- 46th Annual fall meeting of AAFPRS. San Francisco,USA, 8-11, Sept: Instruction course lecture-What surgeons have to know for successful correction of deviated nose.
- The 34rd Annual conference of European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. Bruge, Belgium, 1-4th, Sep, 2011:Lecture- What surgeons have to know for successful correction of deviated nose. How to beautify thick and bulbous Asian tip
- 4th International conference of facial plastic and cosmetic surgery. Chengdu, China, 19-20th, Aug, 2011: Lecture-Use of processed fascia for dorsal augmentation. How to use costal cartilage in difficult revision.
- Rhino Snore 2011, International rhinoplasty and snoring live surgery workshop. Hyderabad, India, 2nd-3rd, July, 2011.Special lecture-What surgeons have to know for successful correction of deviated nose.
- 1st Singapore Facial Plastic Surgery Course. Singapore, 2011, 10-12th, March,.Lecture- Nasal tip surgery. Dorsal augmentation in Asian nose.Harvest of autologous grafts-septal,auricular,costal cartilages, alar base surgery
- 2011 AFPSS spring course.Macau,China,26-27th, Feb, 2011.Management of the crooked nose.
- The 4th TSGH Rhinoplasty course, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, Sep 11-12.: Lecture- Solution for difficult revision, Personal experience on the use of homologouse costal cartilage
- The 33rd Annual conference of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. Lecture-How to use costal cartilage in complicated revision rhinoplasty.
- 40.2010 ERS-ISIAN meeting. Geneva, Swiss, 2010.June 22nd. Implant in rhinoplasty
- NUH –Otolaryngology conference. Singapore, 2010, Mar 12-14. Surgical demonstration of rhinoplasty. Overview on rhinoplasty
- 1st AFPSS annual meetig. JAKARTA.Indonesia, 2010 Mar 4-7.Proper management of nasal septum,Multi-later tip grafting for better refinement of Asian tip.
- 2nd International Rhinologic Congress of Iran . Teheran, Iran, 2009 Oct 13-15. Correction of deviated nose, Tip surgery for Asian Nose
- 2009 Chinese and Korean congress of cosmetic surgery. Quingdao. China, 2009. April 10-12. Septorhinoplasty
- 13th International rhinoplasty workshop. Zhengzhou.China. 2009.Nov 6-9.New concept in Asian tip surgery, Correction of deviated nose
- Rhinology world 2009. Philadelphia. USA, 2009 April 15-19. Asian rhinoplasty
- Milano master class. Milano, Italy, 2009, March 29-31.Multilayer tip grafting, percutaneous ostetomy, modeified vertical dome division
- Advances in rhinoplasty. Seattle. USA. 2009 June 11-15. Management of L-strut for correction of deviated nose. Use of silastic sheet for dorsal aurmentation
- The 3rd International conference of facial plastic surgery. Nanning, China. September 11-14, 2009. Management of difficult septum in correction of deviated nose. A new concept in the tip surgery for the Asian nose
- Thai rhinology society meeting: 2008 Feb 27. Bangkok, Thailand -Main guest speaker. Practical septorhinoplasty-An Asian Perspective,
- The 4th Septorhinoplasty course and workshop. 2008 May 4-6th. Jakarta, Indonesia Live surgery, personal philosophy in septorhinoplasty.
- 16th Stuttgart functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty symposium. 2008, June 4-6th. Stuttgart, Germany. Correction of deviated nose. Dorsal augmentation in rhinoplasty
- 5th Asia Pacific Facial Plastic Surgery Conference. Taipei. Taiwan. 2008 Oct 25-26. Correction of short nose deformity
- 13th Asian Research Symspoium in Rhinology. Bangkok, Thailand. Nov 20-21. The use of autologous cartilage in rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty workshop University of Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia. 2008. December 1-2. Dorsal augmentation, Tip surgery. Hump reduction et cetra
- Second international facial plastic surgery conference: 2007 Apr 21-22, Hangzhou, China. Dorsal augmentation for Asian Nose
- AAFPRS fall meeting:2007 Sep 18-19. Washington DC, USA Lecture on instruction course:Lessons in Asian rhinoplasty
- All Indian rhinology society meeting, 2007 Sep 29-30, Allahabad, India Correction of deviated nose
- TAAFPRS annual meeting, 2007 Oct 18-19, Taipei, Taiwan. L
- 12th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology:, 2007 Nov 28-29, Manila, Philiphines, Management of convex nasal dorsum deformity
- 9TH International symposium of facial plastic surgery:2006. May 3-8, Las Vegas, USA. Use of homologous cartilage in rhinoplasty
- 5th Philiphine rhinoplasty symposium. 2006 June 15-16, Manila the Philiphines. Personal philosophy on rhinoplasty
- AAFPRS fall meeting 2006. 2006 Sept 17-19. Toronto, Canada. Asian rhinoplasty
- 45th Annual meeting of Japan Rhinologic Society Meeting: 2006. Sep 23. Yokaichi, Japan. Rhinoplasty in Korean rhinologist
- 28TH All Indian rhinoplasty symposium: 2005, Nov 7-9, New Dehli, India
- Osaka ENT association invited lectureship:, 2005.Oct 1. Osaka, JAPAN. Rhinoplasty in Korea
- 10TH ARSR Postcongress rhinoplasty workshop: 2005.Dec 1-3, Kualalumpur, Malaysia